
In every vibrant and thriving community, the collective voice of its residents, businesses, and organizations forms the backbone of progress and prosperity. For District 2, this principle holds paramount importance as we endeavor to create a more inclusive, transparent, and responsive governance structure… Read More

Picture walking down the streets of Portland and instead of seeing a bunch of gas-guzzling cars, you’re met with rows of electric and hybrid vehicles chilling silently. This isn’t some far-off fantasy… Read More

Hey Portlanders! We all know that tackling the climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges of our time. While electric vehicles (EVs) are often touted as a solution, they’re not the magic bullet we need. Not everyone can afford an EV, and our electric grid isn’t ready to handle a massive influx of them. Plus, more driving, no matter the vehicle, isn’t the answer to climate change. Here’s why, and what we can do about it…. Read More